Monday, 3 March 2014

moneyless march

Here’s a thought, how much have you spent on clothing and makeup in only the last month!? If you’re anything like me – the answer is 'way too much!'  As I was scrolling through Bloglovin I stumbled upon a blog post by Rebecca called Moneyless March.  As I was reading it I heard myself agreeing to every word she wrote "you're right I do shop to much!" I thought. A day later I was sorting through my makeup drawer, wardrobe and receipts – I was amazed at how many things I bought in such a short span of time! I decided there and then to join Rabecca in Moneyless March. That means NO makeup or clothing purchases for an entire month! I can only use it on Uni essentials, transport and food! Fingers crossed I get through this. I encourage all of you to try doing this for a month (doesn’t have to be March), it’s a great way save some extra money for something REALLY special!

Let me know if you have any tips, or if you want to do Moneyless March with me! Also don’t forget to check out Rebecca's blog!

Danica xx


  1. I "want" too do this so bad. I always say i will go a month without it but i cant yesterday i went super cray at priceline again! Im going to try and aim for next month :(

  2. That seems like a great idea, apart from a trip to London is hard to cancel!!!!

  3. I can easily join you with this due to my unemployed situation - hah!
