This morning I woke up completely dazed and confused "is it Saturday, wait no...shit, its Monday". I don't know why I find Monday's of all days so daunting....After procrastinating in bed ( you know the usual - checking social media). I decided to finally drag myself out of bed and to the trusty kettle. I managed to squeeze in a quick round of Pilates before heading out to work, and that's as exciting as my Mondays get! I plan to write more beauty related posts, I'm getting there!
I'll leave you with a quote by Jim Jarmusch which has recently been a little reminder to get creative and be more aware of whats happening around me. Who knows, it might inspire some of you!
“Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from - it’s where you take them to.”
Ahh Jim just gets me.
So whatever this brand new week brings you, I hope its going to be a great one, filled with happy vibes and plenty of good fortune. Who knew Mondays could be so motivational!
xx Danica
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